If there is one thing that should never be a barrier when it comes to health and fitness, that thing is money. That is why you will find a range of free resources that you can use to help get you started on your journey. From workouts, stretching, basic nutrition and stress management I want everyone to have access to the basics of these fundamental health and fitness practices.

These aren't half empty products, these ebooks have actionable things that you can start doing today, I haven't held back on what I tell you just because it's free. My goals with these resources is to give you a basic understanding of each topic so you can get started without having to fork out cash you can't afford to spend. Keep in mind the information is general information so if you have specific problems or questions feel free to send me a message on my social channels or book yourself in for a Habit Check and Planning session at the bottom of the page.

This is by the far, the most simple, easy to use tool you need to make sure you're doing what you said you going to do. The idea isn't for it to be perfect with ticks across the board every week. It's so you have a visual representation of your progress on developing new habits. Simply fill out the new habits or behaviours that you want to be doing, fill out each at the end of each day and review it at the end of the week. You will now be able to see clearly what you are doing well and what you need to focus more on. If you download anything on this page, make the Habit Check List.

If you have never lifted weights simply because you weren't too sure on what to do or how often you should be doing things then The Beginners Boost is your go to introduction for resistance training. In this ebook you learn why resistance training is so vital to maintaining overall health and fitness, you learn:

          • How to build a healthy mindset towards your training
          • We break down some of the myths surrounding resistance training
          • The importance of recovery and the basics of how to do it well
          • How to choose the amount of rep and sets you should be doing
          • An introductory program so you can get started as soon as you're ready

Health and Wellness space has become very niche driven in the last few year, every trainer and guru claiming that they have the secret formula and that everything else out there won't work for you. The fact is, we are individuals, we are uniquely us. So while there may be subtle differences in the way we can priortise our health, there will always be basic foundations that must be in place before the subtlties can have their impact. In this ebook we will break down each of these foundations and discuss why they are so important. Along with some actionable steps you can start doing today to take back control of your health and wellness. 

Your Habit Check and Planning call is the starting point of your health and fitness journey. We sit down and discuss:

  • What is working for you right now?
  • What isn't working and why?
  • How to clearly structure goals and how to achieve them.
  • Identify potential roadblocks and how to minimise their impact

As your health coach and trainer I will simplify the process of regaining your power and control over your health.

This is not a sales call, there is no obligation to train with me after this call, but at the very least you will have a better foundation on where you're starting from and that's all I want for you.

Why is this important?

You can't workout where you're going or how long it might take to get there if you don't where you're starting from

BMR Calculator

How to Use the BMR Calculator

The Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) calculator is a simple tool designed to help you estimate the number of calories your body needs to maintain basic physiological functions while at rest. These functions include breathing, circulation, cell production, and nutrient processing. Understanding your BMR is essential for creating effective nutrition and fitness plans.

The result displayed will be your estimated Basal Metabolic Rate in calories per day. This value represents the number of calories your body needs to perform basic functions while at rest.

By regularly monitoring your BMR and adjusting your caloric intake accordingly, you can more effectively manage your weight and overall health.

It's important to think about your activity levels when using this calculation. If your an active person the calcuator will underestimate your BMR, while it may over estimate for those with a less active lifestyle. If you're trying to lose weight I recommend eating between 200-500 calories less than your calculated BMR.